Altar Servers: Children 10 years and older serve at weekend Masses and special services throughout the year. Training is provided. Contact Paul Lichtenberger or the Parish Office 860-242-4142. Click: HERE for the Altar Servers page.
Music Ministry: Works with the choir director to provide music leadership such as cantors, guitarists, choir members, small groups of singers, etc. for weekend Masses and for special services throughout the year. Contact: Rian Grimmer or the Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of Holy Communion (about twice a month) at Sunday and special Masses. Some also bring Holy Communion to the sick and home bound each week. Training is provided.
Lectors: Proclaim the Scriptures at all weekend Masses and special liturgies about once a month. Training and special preparatory materials are provided.
Liturgical Hospitality Ministry: On a rotating basis serve as greeters to welcome people to Mass, as ushers when needed, collectors, selectors of gift bearers and distributors of bulletins. Contact: David and Mary Lou Royce at 860-242-5266 or the Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Ministers of Liturgical Environment: A) Assist in making the decor within the Church appropriate for each liturgical season and feast; B) Teams of 2 or 3 people see to the dusting & polishing of the furniture, statutes, etc. once a month; C) Teams of 2 people see that potted plants are watered and that floral arrangements are prepared for Sundays in Ordinary Time.
Lazarus Ministry: Wakes/Funerals/Luncheons: Members assist with the signing of the attendance book and assist with the proper exit flow of attendees held in the church and, when requested, assist with light refreshments, provided by volunteer bakers, in the parish hall. Funeral Mass: Members assist as altar server, lector, pall carrier, cross bearer, holy water bearer, incense assistant, according to need. Post-funeral Luncheon: Members assist with the catered buffet provided by the family in the parish hall. They also assist in the set-up and clean-up. Contact the Parish office 860-242 4142.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: During the 10:15 Mass, children ages 6-12 separately hear the Sunday readings in a format they can more easily understand. An adult leader discusses the lessons to be gleaned from the Scripture readings. The children re-join their parents after the prayer of the faithful.
Prayer Shawl Ministry: Our shawls provide comfort to friends and relatives who are sick, home bound, recuperating from surgery or have lost a loved one as well as hospice patients and families of Fallen Soldiers. Members gather at the church the second and fourth Mondays of the month from 9:30 to 11:00 am. Contact: Jean Perreault and Mary Ann Butch or the Parish Office 860-242-4142. Click HERE for the Prayer Shawl page.
Liturgical Threads Ministry: Members prepare simple baptismal garments for infants as well as older children and adults; help to make banners and alter linens; mend vestments or alter cloths; in general help with any sewing that is needed.
Adult Enrichment: Provides enrichment experiences by way of guest speakers, videos. etc. in response to expressed needs/desires from parishioners. Contact: Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Youth Alliance: Provides activities, outreach projects, social events, and faith development opportunities for youth both pre-and-post-confirmation. Contact: Al Wallace or the Parish Office 860-242-4142. Click: HERE for Youth Alliance Page
Confirmation: Prepares teens to receive the sacrament of Confirmation. Contact Deacon Rich Santos or the Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Standard Religious Education (CCD) Classes: Provide weekly catechetical instruction sessions in a classroom setting for the students. Contact: Doris Battle or the Parish Office 860-242-4142. Click: HERE for the Religious Education Page and schedule.
Young Adult Ministry: We are a welcoming group of young adults ages 18-30 who meet regularly for faith formation and fellowship. For information contact Jack Ruddat 860 966-9395. Click HERE for the Young Adult Ministry web page.
Human Concerns & Social Justice Committee:
Meets periodically to organize opportunities for parishioners to serve those in need and to advocate for social justice. Contact the Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Subcommittees: Feeding the Homeless: From October through April this group provides a monthly meal to a shelter in Hartford by: A) Preparing food which they deliver during the day; and/or B) Serving the food at the shelter. Contact: Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Social Activities: Seeks to bring people together in a social setting such as a Whist, Classic Car Cruise, wine tasting, etc. Contact: Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Breakfast Ministry: Offering to parishioners a FREE pancake, sausage and pastry breakfast once a month on the first Sunday of the month. This will be offered from October thru April after the 8 am and 10:15 am masses. Contact: David Royce or the Parish Office 860-242-4142. Click HERE for the Breakfast Ministry page.
Communications Committee:
Parish Webmaster: Update the parish web site to keep it attractive, current and accurate. Contact: David Royce by selecting the white envelope at the top right corner of every web page or the Parish office 860-242-4142.
Parish Communication Coordinator: Keeping the parish informed via email communication. Contact: David Royce or the Parish office 860-242-4142.
Photographer: Chronicle parish events by taking pictures for the archives and the parish web site. Contact: David Royce or the Parish Office 860-242-4142.
Publicity: Publicizing parish activities and events by means of Bloomfield Public Access TV, WJMJ Radio, newspapers, notices to other parishes, posters, mailings, etc. Contact: Parish office 860-242-4142.
Property Committee: Grounds Keeping: Our church grounds should present a welcoming appearance to worshipers. The maintenance of our grounds depends on the work of volunteers, and professional landscapers when necessary, who during the summer months periodically mulch and weed the flower beds, trim shrubs and mow the lawn. New volunteers are always needed to assist in this effort. For more information about these committees and ministries or any of its subcommittees, please contact the office at 860-242-4142 .